Wednesday, October 1, 2014

satu hari, seorang lina walks down the hallway to her class.

dia tak perasan crush 5 years tengah pandang dia.

she walks, 2 steps further, chose her place, placed her books.

lina cantik, tapi she didnt notice. sebab she felt so insecure dengan classmates.

her 5 year crush tak rasa classmates dia pretty. he notice lina. and only her.

sneakers kelabu taik, tank top hitam, checkered biru merah shirt, black jeans.

rambut sanggul siput. serabai nak mampus. w the loose strands of hair.

rugi sial. she's the most wonderful creature aqil have ever seen.

the thing is, men see her as a please-complete-my-homework girl.

pandai pulak tu. peh. sesungguhnya mereka sangat buta to see the perfect girl.

but who was he to judge. en? he knows that well.

the way she concentrates. the way she tarik the strands of hair to the back of her ear. the way she pucker up her cheeks after drinking. the way she daydream. aqil cant take control of his emotions that well.

she's just, TOO perfect.