Tuesday, March 20, 2012

garfield .

Assalamualaikum :)

i'm at school now but im soooooo intense to write sbab dah lama sangat tak tulis anything :O haha over je.

guess WHAT ??!!!

my dear cat garfield died in a langgar-lari accident two weeks back. damnnnn gila punya sayang until my brothr cried so hard at th same spot garfield sat everyday.

but recntly then ayah searchd about cats (surprisingly sbb dia tak pernah suka kucing) he told us dkt petfinder.com there are some cats that look alike as garfield.

then suddenly ibu told me that hr friend has few cats to let go. ohhh so sweet kan ??? hahahahaha

we adopt on cat laa because we're still bginners in adopting newborn cats. tak pasal-pasal nanti najis berterabur keliling rumah. so then we called the cat "MILO" . hahahaha milo tengok nama kau famous :O

oklah. til then. wish me luck for my examinations . tc :)