Tuesday, January 24, 2012

alaaaawwwwhhh .

Assalamualaikum :) good mornin everybody !

the whole student body kkb kena balik besok . |boo kkb|

demam tak elok lagi . ibu suruh ambik mc smpai ahad terus . muahahahaha but im not that naughty . hehe

pergh sumpah seronok balik rumah makin tambah pound aku ada laa . =='

anyway haritu aku baru habis baca novel BICARA HATI . tengok2 dh kluar jdk drama . hadhoyai org melayu dh tkde idea nk buat crite ambik crite novel pun jdklaa . hehe jahat . and my dad showed me this website yg boleh tengok any malay drama's or movie's or telemovies whatsoever lah. its right here :)

and i watched about few movies in one night . haha dh tahun spm tak sedar diri lagi >.<

dah dah enough .

aawwhh so cute kris :') dia jadik zahlia .

til then . have a nice day :)

p/s : i miss 3e too mekk . sobb