Tuesday, December 6, 2011

freakin awesome .

assalamualaikum :)

haha macam apa jea post benda benda merepek pagi pagi .

early this morning [nak early apa dh mmg morning pun] i was just reading blogs made by awesome bloggers yang kebanyakkannya wrote about their bestfriends boyfriends friend-emys and other sorts off stuffs .

and it came to me and i've just realized that 

im so jealous of them having close friends and hangout with their boyfriends with smiley pretty teeth grinning towards the camera like no one can take their happiness til the end of their lives .

sorry to those yg tak larat nak baca all these nonsense . [tulaa spe suruh bukak blog buruk nie]

bukan yang aku takde kawan , ade , but the thing is my friends are so far and i jarang jarang keluar tak boleh keluar randomly suka hati mak bapak kau je macam tu .

and one more thing im scared that i might be living all alone with no one telling me iloveyou or syg/awk/you dahmakankebelum or goodnightsleeptight ke . takut nanti jadik macam katy perry bila dah tua .

kn sedih tu ?
maa taknak lonely kedutkedut macam dia :'(

tapi nanti taknak laa jadik macam rihanna jugak .

dia sendiri cakap .
we found love at a hopeless place

have a great day :3