Monday, August 29, 2011

i feel like dying .

wipeout is my boyfriend tonight .

haha whatever .

pergh sumpah tak boleh tidur ohh . apahal aku un ttwu .

title kt atas tkde kne mengena punn , ehh . ada kot . sikit .

lately , (since last year to be precise) i felt like im being hit crushed stumped knocked down by EVERYone that i know and people who despise me . seriously i tell you . so i was thinking what have i done sampai they are so keen to provoke me or talk bad stuffs about me .

memang laa orang kata , "ada sebab laa tuhh diorang buat macam tu," sambil buat muka YOU HAVE HOPE TO LIVE ! with a cute smile on the face .

so to whoever who sees me walking around all alone and my face is like kinda blurr or dull or mintak penyepak , to maknenya tgh dok melangut or merancang masa depan yang tak tau laa menjadik ke tak .

ntahlaa , kadang kadang aku rasa macam satu batch taknak layan aku , classmate taknak layan aku , sekian bin dan binti sekian taknak layan aku , senang cite rasa macam satu sekolah taknak layan aku . sampai makcik cleaner aku cakap "assalamualaikum cikk" , boleh dia JELING JEA ??!! ya allah memang laa aku rasa macam NIE KE RASA DIA KALAU KITA TAK PERNAH WUJUD KAT MATA ORANG .

sometimes i felt like im a zombie or something .

oh well .

i need someone who could hold me tight .

ALE =9