Saturday, July 23, 2011

jangan janji laa weyy .

assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh .

penat . hipertensi . huwargh . sakit hati jea . its ok laa kott cause in this debating arena we're still rookies and we're still in learning progress , but then WHY THE HECK KAU NAK AMEK MASA AKU TENGAH STUDY THEN PRACTICE LEPASTUHH KAU ORANG SEMUA NAK SURUH KITORANG JAWAB EXAM WITHOUT PREPARING ANYTHING BHAIIII . stupid tak . kata taknak pointer and ranking maktab turun lah whatsoever . so tak rasa ke kalau kitorang balik awal dengan condition yang unprepared nak jawab exam , then suddenly we have to , mesti laa ranking turun gila babeng KANNNNN ....?????

ok dah enough .

nie plak aku nak cakap pasal TAKERS and BITCHES .

sumpah aku nak bunuh jea


 kalau dalam otak bijak pandai bestari korang tuhh dah pikir camtuhh , canne kalau benda nie tukar jadik karma then reflect to you guys back ??


wehh . aku tahu and aku memang admit (KOT) yang korang lawa , cantik , cun , seksi , hot , pandai , bijak , bestari , intelligent , superb , semua lah . tapi korang gi BODOH SANGAT nak amek jantan orang laenn nie apahal wehh ..kata sekolah ______________ .?????
 tolong laa weyy ..

there are still tones of GENTLEmen out there who would , will , or willing to take you as their official , one and only girl they have in their own lives ..

like my ayah said , jangan riasu , mesti ada laa jodoh tuu ..but bukanlah dengan cara merampas hak orang lain dengan niat atau tanpa punn ..

macam cikgu kasma comel kecik molek kita cakap ,we as the women should and must be the crystal ..disimpan dalam special compartment or glass box macam snow white kena kurung masa dia pengsan tuhh ..bukannya jadik macam bangles at the superstore yang lepas kena pakai , letak balik .kira macam touch and go lahh .nak ke ??

and as for you my dear girls , think back about what you've done , and rethought about what would people say about you .. sanggup kau nak kena maki ??

e.g :  
commentar 1 :weyy bitch gila minah nie .
commentar 2 :bapak lahh dia playarr terbaekk wehh

and so on and on ..

tapi kalau that's the decision you want to take , take the risk laah chick . its like you're riding a roller coaster without seatbelts . (pergh hari tu tgk final destination 3 seram siak .death and violence )

okayy , penatt dah .and and , aku wakil homeroom emerald masuk lompat kijang . canne nak lompat kijang pun aku taktau . wish me luck ! 

ALE =9